
You deserve better service!

How to Get Better Charter Spectrum Customer Service

Not getting results from Charter Spectrum customer service? You may have options to escalate…

Spectrum used to be Time Warner Cable, and despite the name change, the company always been known for fraudulent practices and awful customer service. This is why the company has lost an alarming number of customers each year. Spectrum is attempting to rehabilitate its negative image, but that’s mostly through marketing attempts, not by offering better customer service. Not to mention, Spectrum has increased prices in many communities.

There’s no shortage of negative news regarding Spectrum. Last year, Spectrum  paid more than $170 million after fraudulently advertising much faster speeds than the company really offered. This year, Spectrum decided to change its billing policy in a potentially illegal move. According to the new policy, if you cancel your service before the billing cycle is over, you’re no longer entitled to a refund. In essence, you’re paying for service even when you’re not using it.

It’s obvious that Spectrum isn’t the most consumer-friendly company. With limited customer service options, you’re likely to have an uphill battle with Spectrum’s support team. However, before escalating the issue, you should attempt to call or chat with a customer service representative. If that doesn’t work, you can take your concerns to social media, or even visit a Spectrum office to file a complaint.

Some companies have multiple customer service phone numbers to try, but Spectrum isn’t one of them. There’s only one phone number listed for Spectrum’s customer care team, which can be reached at (855) 707-7328.

  • Some customers report lengthy wait times when it comes to calling Spectrum’s customer support line.
  • You may first encounter an automated phone system designed to keep the customer service line from clogging up. However, it can be difficult to get out of the phone system, which means you should press “0” before getting caught up in phone system. Pressing “0” directs you to a customer service representative.
  • When talking with customer service, the first representative may not be helpful. If you’re unable to get anywhere with the representative, ask to speak with a superior or a member of the escalation team.

In addition to calling Spectrum, you may want to try the customer service chat feature. The Ask Spectrum feature first directs you to a virtual assistant, which is essentially a chatbot.

  • Spectrum’s virtual assistant attempts to figure out your issue. You’ll need to repeatedly ask for a customer service agent in order to get connected.
  • Make sure you’re logged into your Spectrum account to access live chat.

Social Media Assistance

With limited options, you may not get the help you’re looking for. If that’s the case, you’re able to take your concerns to telecommunication review sites, although Spectrum doesn’t seem to make an effort to address the concerns. Instead, you may receive more help if you reach out on social media.

  • FacebookSpectrum’s Facebook account is active and inundated with negative comments from customers. You can either post a public comment on Spectrum’s wall, or you can choose to send a private message. Typically, any message is answered within hours.
  • Spectrum’s Facebook Messenger

    Instagram: Spectrum’s official Instagram account rarely responds to comments. Many of the recent posts are full of unhappy customers giving opinions, but they are mostly ignored.

  • Twitter: Spectrum has two separate Twitter accounts. One is primarily used for marketing, but they also have a customer support Twitter. The customer support Twitter is highly recommended when looking for customer service through social media, as it’s one of the more active accounts.

Customer Support in Person

Many customers have a Spectrum store within their community. You can find the closest Spectrum store by entering your zip code in the store locator box. Talking to a customer service representative in person has several benefits:

  • If you’re having technical difficulties, reaching customer support through the phone or the internet can be impossible. When talking to a representative in person, you don’t have to worry about disconnection or technical difficulties.
  • When representatives see you as a real person, they’re more likely to want to help you.
  • It’s easy to get confirmation, receipts, and names when you’re talking to someone face-to-face. It’s essential to document your customer service attempts; make sure to put your receipts somewhere safe.

Has Spectrum’s Customer Support Let You Down?

Contacting Spectrum can be difficult. After trying all the options listed in this guide, you may be left feeling like you’re out of choices. Although many consumers end up with the desire to sue Spectrum for their troubles, it’s not always easy. Most companies slip in an anti-lawsuit clause in their contracts, which makes small claims court the only court you can file your claim.

There are several ways to bring a claim against Spectrum.  One such way to bring a claim is arbitration, which can be easier than the complicated process of small claims court. Arbitration is a legal process that doesn’t require you to leave your house, or even pay unless you win.

When you’re unable to get Spectrum to listen, FairShake can help. There’s no shortage of complaints about Spectrum, but you can do something about it. With FairShake, you can start a claim against Spectrum immediately that potentially leads to a lucrative settlement.

FairShake helps put the power back in your hands

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