
How to Get Better Verizon Wireless Customer Service

Not getting results from Verizon Wireless customer service? You may have options to escalate…

When dealing with telecommunications companies, many customers are not allowed to choose the company that is in charge of their cable and internet. Customers also are often locked into contracts, which makes it hard or expensive to switch to another provider.

Although Verizon is attempting to rehabilitate its image, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to be taken care of in the way you’d like. When attempting to receive good customer service from Verizon, you should try a few different options if you’re not getting the results that you want.

If you are dealing with a Verizon business account, your customer service options may be different.

Calling Verizon

For many customers, calling is the easiest way to receive customer support. Verizon has a specific customer service phone line, which you can reach at (800) 922-0204. When dealing with customer support over the phone, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • It’s recommended to have ready your account number, the phone number or e-mail addressed used to sign up, and a brief description of your issue. You should also have a pen and paper ready to use, as it’s recommended to document everything.
  • You’ll likely have to deal with the automated phone system that prompts you to press certain numbers for to handle specific issues. For many customers, once you get stuck in the phone system, it can be hard to get out. You might be able to press “0” in order to connect with a customer service representative.
  • When you reach a customer service representative, make sure you’re polite. Being rude can hinder your attempt to be heard or to receive decent customer service.
  • If you’re not satisfied with the customer service representative, you can ask for another one. It may be helpful to ask for a manager to make the personnel change.
  • Lastly, make sure you document your customer service experience. Ask for confirmation numbers, receipts sent to your e-mail address, and the names of any customer service representatives that make promises.

Online Support

Like many companies, Verizon now offers a customer service chat option. In order to use the live chat, you should sign into your Verizon account. From there, you can either interact with the chatbot (Verizon’s “virtual assistant”) or immediately ask for a customer service representative.

If the live chat doesn’t work for, you may be able to receive help from Verizon’s community support forums. This is a very active forum, and it includes Verizon customer service moderators that tend to respond very quickly to customer questions. In addition, other Verizon customers give their input, which is helpful in cases that require troubleshooting.

There’s one more online support option. You can reach the Senior VP of Consumer Customer Service at nancy.clark@verizonwireless.com. If you’re unable to get your issue resolved elsewhere, contacting Nancy Clark with a polite and detailed account of your troubles might help.

Social Media Accounts

In addition to the previously mentioned methods of receiving customer support, you may be able to get results by contacting Verizon’s social media accounts. Reaching out on social media has an added bonus of making your issue public, which often gives companies an incentive to resolve customer concerns. Verizon’s official social media accounts include:

  • Twitter: Like Verizon’s Facebook, the Verizon customer care Twitter touts a two minute response time. Consumers have the option of public or private messaging any Twitter account.

You’re Not Out of Options

It’s not easy dealing with your phone or internet company. When you’ve tried phone support, going to social media, and engaging the online chat options, it might feel like there’s nothing left to try. However, there might be some options that you didn’t know existed. Although you have limited legal recourse when it comes to getting justice from your phone company, you may be able to take them to small claims court or file an arbitration claim against them.

Going to small claims court can be complicated, and it can take up a considerable amount of your time and resources. In contrast, filing a consumer arbitration claim can be a rather simple process. You file your claim from the comfort of your own home, and filing is entirely free. FairShake walks you through the arbitration process, and we don’t get paid unless you get paid.

FairShake has gone up against Verizon before and won. If you’re ready to fight against Verizon, you can file a claim now.

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